We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.
We use different courier companies depending on the weight of your order and the type of delivery service you have requested.
We currently use Royal Mail for orders within the United Kingdom and lighter items and Despatch Bay, Yodel, Parcelforce & P4D for international and heavier orders.
Delivery companies used include:-
Royal Mail - Smaller lightweight items
Despatch Bay - Bulky heavier goods.
Parcelforce - Bulky heavier goods.
Yodel - Bulky heavier goods.
P4D - International orders
Delivery times may vary shown below:
• Europe (8 to 12 working days)
• USA and Canada (10 to 14 working days)
• Rest of the World (12 to 16 working days)
International orders
Please note shipping is calculated at the check out